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Glorifying God By Serving The Poor

Doxa Foundation International, Inc.(DFI), is a Christian humanitarian, 501C3 organization, solely dedicated to serving poor people in Haiti. Our Mission is very simple, “Glorifying God By Serving The Poor”. By serving the poor we mean providing free educating to disadvantaged children.

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Makes education available to children free of charge in areas of the country

Organizes reforestation campaigns throughout Haiti  & assisting small farmers

Provides small loans specifically to women with a business orientation;

Doxa Ministries (DoxaMin) is involved primarily in mass evangelization.

Help us plant one million trees in Haiti.



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It is a pleasure to report that the Doxa idea is working and is making a measurable impact on the lives of the people we serve. By the grace of The Lord, children are being educated, women are receiving loans to keep food on their tables and send their children to school, reforestation campaigns are being organized, and the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is going forth over the radio and in the villages of Haiti. But much more can be done, as people like you get involved. 


If you want to make a difference, we invite you to join hands with us in our ongoing and relentless effort to help some people in Haiti break the dehumanizing bondage of poverty. There are many ways you can help, from your direct involvement in any one of our four departments to becoming a reliable supporter.   


It is our hope that you will soon be involved with us in this long and challenging journey that lies ahead of us, a journey that compels us all to make a difference in the lives of our fellow human beings living in abject poverty and embrace a vision that is bigger than ourselves. 

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